Thursday, April 30, 2009

april present

I know. It's been 2 weeks. Sorry for the long silence.

But how do you like the heat nowadays? Isn't it SWELTERING ! a bit like the place I went to last post. And not only we get the dry spell, we're having electricity supply rations too! All this daily black-outs. At my place, for 4 hours straight, at times. Luckily its in the mornings when kids are in school and I can leave the house for recluse, alone.

Anyways, some updates around here. My son turned 11 on 13/4. We had the party on 18th Apr. His grandma's birthday is close (16/4), she got presents too.

And last week, in one of my recluses, I got myself a little present. For no apparent reason.

Pretty, cutesie accessories hanger. My new dressing table centrepiece.
Pleasant weekend to you!


Shabbymom said...

adadaahhhh....punya panas kannnn!!!...bebatukkan bah kami di sini!!!...karan lagi indada hari-hari...dari jam 9pg sampai 12...time ku sakit lagi tu..!!!!....hari-hari ber earth hour kan kitani!!!!.....

Happy Birthday Abang!!!!!!...& nenek too!!!!!.....awal jua kau membali hadiah mu???????.....wakakakahhhhh......

fabmom said...

hahaha!!! hadiah kerana tiada karan..

whimsical said...

adeeeehhhhh boleh tahan hadiah utk diri sendri haha! tapi ngam sweet kan badan penggantungan rantei tersebut