Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tag Hari Raya

Tagged by Hesitant Blogger.

I like this tag. Let's talk about Raya !!

1. Berapa pasang baju raya anda tahun ni dan kaler apekah?
Dua pasang. Pink and Cream.

2. Apakah makanan raya tradisional kegemaran anda?
Kuah kacang dan nasi himpit, sayur lodeh, ayam kurma.

3. Apakah biskut raya kegemaran anda?
Tat nenas dan kuih siput.

4. Berapa banyak duit raya anda dapat n spend untuk bagi kat bebudak?
Dapat? Tiada. Spend - kalau anak buah sendiri RM10-RM50 bergantung umur. Kalau tetamu RM2.

5. Apakah aktiviti malam raya korang?
Apa lagi, sibuk di dapur lah. Kupas macam2, blender itu, blender ini, berjaga memasak dengan MIL dan ipar-ipar. Anak-anak main bunga api. Para lelaki pasang colorlights, lap kerusi, sembang-sembang merokok.

Sekarang, saya mau tag : anies, bakermin dan labpapa.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

kuih raya..kuih raya..

At last. At long last, our internet problem is fixed. I've been so cut off from all of you, it's driving me crazy. To counter, I got myself busy trying kuih raya recipes while keeping up with the country's 'situation'. Not much. 16th came and gone. Nothing happened. Well a good thing too. I was worried a similar 13th May might erupt. Thank God it didn't and lets hope never will.

So, anyway, before I knew it, I've done 10 recipes. Have a look at my achievement here. Forewarn - this isn't an order catalogue. Hihihi..I'm just excited because this is the first time I ever make kuih raya. I'm surprised it wasn't too difficult after all. It looked so daunting before I didn't even bother to try. My late mom would have been proud if she saw these. Maybe it's all because I'm a SAHM now. I can't imagine attempting while I was still working.

Kuih Badam Coklat. The most difficult due to shape, plus I spent half day glazing. But my eldest son & daughter loves it. I guess it's a keeper.

Biskut Mazola. Easiest and no egg.

Biskut peanut butter. I won't try this again. Too sweet. I'm not sure whether to cut down sugar or pnut butter.

Cornflakes Daisy. I would modify the filling next time. The tart is good.

Cornflakes Mate. I've got to find a better way to drizzle the top without messing the shape. Youngest son's favourite.

Biskut Kelapa. Biasa.

Biskut Cornflakes Bijan. I'm curious to try it because it uses hard boiled egg. Makes the taste light and 'cushy'.

Biskut Buah. Very basic. The 'buah' is sultanas and ceri. My sis in law like it though.

Biskut Coklat Orange. Very crispy. But the dipping process is quite tedious.

Ok this isn't new. I make this every year. My favourite. Kuih Siput.

So how about you guys? Any homemade raya cookies? Let's trade recipes. I'm in search of London Almond recipe. I need a new recipe book. These I got from a book called - Chef, Pilihan Terbaik Biskut & Kek- published in 2002. The recipe really work. But it's great if there's more latest interesting cookies to learn. If you got any good books that you know, please let me know.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tag : Tetap Bersinar Selama Ramadhan

I am tagged by poppet. Thank you poppet. Here's the detail of the tag:-

Done by:
antownholic.blogspot.com, reskitrianto.blogspot.com, bashrie.blogspot.com,juzzyouandme.blogspot.com, sweethoney, sofiaroxy, darleeluv, a gift fRoM hEaRt, a gift from azza, sejenak bersamaku, cherita dapur, Was Will Always Me, Riezanie2u.blogspot.com, ibu-ayah-xtvt.blogspot.com, delicioushalalcake.blogspot.com, http://homebakery-leeza.blogspot.com/A Recipe A Week, fabulousmom

The instruction :
Copy the picture above and post it on your blog. Then list down 5 of your friends whom you want to pass this tag and leave a message in their blog informing them to come to your blog and collect the tag.
Lastly, add your website URL in the list above.
So I would like to pass on this tag to the following friends and wishing them 'Tetap Bersinar Selama Ramadhan' :-
1. Shabbychic mom
2. Hesitant Blogger
3. Anies

Monday, September 8, 2008

kuih lapis kacang hijau

Hello ! I just want to share a recipe here. I've tried it, it's good. I've had this recipe for ages but never tried, to be honest I'm a bit 'lemah bab menyukat-nyukat santan ni', but this time I just do it and it turned out good. It's quite easy too. Kalau sesiapa suka makan kuih lapis, try la.
1 1/2 cawan gula
6 cawan air
1 1/2 cawan santan pekat (pati)
75gm tepung kacang hijau
85gm tepung Hoen Kwe
100gm tepung ubi kayu (kanji)
150gm tepung gandum
1/2 sudu kecil garam
3 helai daun pandan
pewarna hijau dan kuning
1.Masak 2 cawan air bersama gula, garam dan daun pandan hingga mendidih. Masukkan santan pekat dan biarkan seketika sahaja.
2. Padamkan api. Tuangkan 4 cawan air lagi kedalam adunan agar ia menjadi suam. Masukkan kedalam pengisar.
3. Campurkan kesemua jenis tepung dan tuangkan kedalam pengisar yang berisi santan masak tadi.
4. Kisar hingga sebati.
5. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian. Satu diwarnakan hijau dan satu lagi kuning.
6. Dengan api yang kuat, didihkan air pengukus.
7. Sapu loyang (9") dengan minyak dan panaskan seketika loyang.
8. Tuangkan 3 senduk adunan warna hijau dan kukus selama 3 minit.
9. Setelah lapis hijau masak, tuangkan adunan kuning satu setengah senduk dan kukus 3 minit.
10. Ulangi proses dengan sukatan satu setengah senduk sehingga habis, tetapi untuk lapisan terakhir, tuangkan adunan sebanyak 3 senduk.
(Masa aku buat kuih ni, kamera rosak tak dapat ambil gambar. Sekarang kamera ok, so aku post gambar dalam buku resipi to show you how it look like).
Selamat mencuba!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Salam Ramadhan

So how's everyone's first day of fasting?

My 8 year old daughter managed a full day joining her eldest brother. But yesterday was a holiday so she could lie down all day. I hope she's ok today at school. She insists she could continue fasting.

Me, with brothers and sisters spent yesterday morning, membersihkan kuburan. Ada juga rasa mau pengsan, but luckily the weather wasn't hot. Infact it was nice and breezy. And because there were 5 of us, we got the job done quickly.

Second day fasting (today) didn't start very well. Nobody got up early to prepare sahur. I don't know what's got into us. Terlampau penat ka atau terlampau banyak makan sungkai sampai tidur nyenyak nda terbangun-bangun. My mom-in-law usually set her clock and wakes up first but last night her clock didn't ring. ( I guess everybody relied on her & didn't set their own clock). There were 6 adults in the house. Nobody woke up! Luckily hubby's cellphone rang at 4.00 am. Kelam kabut lompat dari katil. Masak, masak, masak..dapatlah sahur jam 4.20 am. Imsak 4.42 ! Tonight must make sure it doesn't happen again. .

My son has a list of what he wants for sungkai. This year's not as long as last year. He just wants these : murtabak, burger and keropok lekor. Last year there was like 11 items. But for sahur tonight, he asks for ketam butter. Hmm...I'll see what I can do..