Wednesday, February 25, 2009

reason to be cheerful

I hope you are having a great week so far. Mine didn't start too well. I've finally had the 'jamin amah' process done. The freaking 'office' which I had to go back and forth 4 times (!) is updating its new system and every transaction was bloody slow. And when I thought its over, I got to my parking and found a scratch on my car. Though not serious..just a little..there on the bottom side..apa panggil tu..skirting?..I must have grazed it on some divider earlier when I made a rough turn to park quickly. Urgghh!! I'm soo getting an agent next time.

Anyway its over, thats a relief. I had a nice lunch in a nice place afterwards. Hmm..the place is cool and breezy despite alfresco on a hot afternoon.

Teka la sendiri d mana aku lunch ni. Ordered butter prawn.Nda alang-alang ok prawn nya. Tiga ekor besar-besar! dalam semangkuk buttersauce!

I felt much much better after the prawn. You know when life sucks, if you just breathe deeply, take a while, think nice things you'll find reasons to be cheerful.

Remember my crafty project? Done! in record time. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Sebarang komen negatif tidak dibenarkan ok. Please appreciate my hand-sewn work.

One for my room
and one for my daughter's room.

And I'm counting for another reason to be cheerful come Friday! prize for guessing what it is.


whimsical said...

ASTAGA I M IMPRESSED!!!!! boleh tahan jahitan mu!!!! aku suka aku suka!!!! tahinai tahniah!!! dan baterr prawn atu!!!! astagagagagagagaggagag nyamannnnnn.DI MANA TU???? CEPAT BAGI TAHU!!!!!

Shabbymom said...

aku pun sangaaaaaat impresseddddd sama kerja tangan mu!!!!!...adakah anda menerima tempahan?....auuuu...capat bari tau di mana tu udang batah atuuuuu!!!!....nyaman usul nya kannnnnnn!!!!! slurpppppppp!!!!

fabmom said...

tq tq tq !! Haa! itu 'bata prawn' d First Beach Tg Aru.kamu tau ka very berangin sana tidak panas langsung wpn tghari tutuk! Punya generous gila kuah butternya...tapi jgn tinggi harapan sbb ini restoran kurang ISO. Tgk nasib ada kemungkinan hari lain x sedap. Macam hari tu aku kesedapan mushroom soupnya tapi tadi tawar. Yes! aku mengorder soup lagi d samping nasi !! x kusimpan gambar cni bari supan! tebarus banar!