Friday, May 18, 2012

May Babies


I don't feel very well. Sore throat, dull headache, stuffy nose.  The heat got me. I think it's 50 celcius out there. Insane.

Yesterday was my birthday. Went out to do some errands, came back and holed up in room, with the air-con on. Yeah..that was pretty much how birthday was spent this year. However loved ones lift up my spirits. Thank you so much to dear sister-in law for the surprise cake and the lovely tudung. Appreciate it. You're an angel. Thank you my lovely children for the loving wishes and hugs and kisses though tired from school and almost fainting from the heat.
Thank you friends and family for the kind wishes. (S n V, I am finally showing your present here).
Thank you dear loving hubby for the nice dinner and the new camera. I didn't expect any more present after that jewellery from Korea. FYI folks, that's amethyst, semi-precious stone . That'll be my Raya jewellery then.

A week prior was my youngest' birthday. Helmi is 9 this year. Secret Recipe made a very nice , perfect soccer themed cake. Like it.

We had a small barbeque party. We got him a new soccer ball and let him spent the day playing futsal with his friends. He's enjoyed it but he has a little bit of complaint about his party, something I have straightened up with daddy.

1 comment:

VVP said...

M best kan dapat para hadiah ni. memang sangat panassssss dunia kita kan sekarang. Jgn u terlampau berjemur karang keluar migraine. Biarlah ber arcond ja sementara ni